
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's Time To “Give To Cesar What Belongs To Cesar”! As the dollar war rages there is another way
By John Anast
Al-Jazeerah, February 10, 2005

Americans must come to grips with the realization that, for a host of reasons none of which are under their control, the glitter of the greenback is long gone and as foreign governments and central banks increasingly rebalance their reserve currencies replacing what was once a dominant fixture with either basket substitutes or merely adding a EURO peg, the dollar wars waged in oil regions will not alter the inevitable outcome. Increasing also are the aberrations in value ascribed to the once stalwart dollar and the pending revaluations in financial instruments. This trend is beyond the self-imposed devaluation governed by the Federal Reserve, as it fights to stem the tide of losses in real-terms, piled high on top of the mountains of debt and fiscal irresponsibility of its own creation. It now appears that events are moving faster than that old system is able to react to or counter in any appreciable manner as the monster has turned on its masters, and no great wonder with the tallied value of direct and indirect overseas dollar denominated holdings surpassing domestic circulation.
It is not only a reflection of a failed and corrupt codified system of usury imposed upon an unsuspecting American public, but more than that, the same codified corrupt system has imposed its machinations, designed for self-preservation, above the interests of the American people - which is also no real surprise. United States foreign policy is now driven by the dollar-war matrix integrated and assimilated into the Pentagon’s planning of asymmetrical warfare, and dominated by illusory themes of a US uni-polar world, when in reality dollar supremacy waged by these faceless Barons, with the sweat, blood and tears of very average Americans who since 1913 have been the unwitting guarantors of the Federal Reserve system, is nothing more than a shell-game intended to save the Federal Reserve from its pending default.
The asymmetrical warfare map and strategy of the kind being currently refined at Pentagon contains a fatal error as its dollar metrics remains its flaw. While there is no mystery that the asymmetrical warfare map is divided into regional spheres of influence and trends to overlap into oil regions, it coalesces on a completely separate notion, and that is support for the Federal Reserve dollar, not oil per say. In other words calls for invading Iraq, Iran and perhaps Saudi Arabia is a strategy to control large oil deposits for sale exclusively in Federal Reserve bank notes and not control of the crude commodity itself. Without implementation of that strategy the Federal Reserve is not sustainable even in the short-term let alone the long-term. Despite its best efforts to hook the world economy on its cheap Federal Reserve bank notes by spreading its paper with reckless abandon to the far corners of globe, demand for that paper is now waning at an accelerated pace, with potentially devastating effects for the US economy.
It must be well understood that there is nothing “federal” about the Federal Reserve Banking system, it remains a private corporation owned by a host of foreign interests. The dollar is nothing more than a bank note printed and owned by a private corporation and leased to the American taxpayer, in total, at a usurious rate. But the ramifications for America are well beyond its citizens paying a private corporation a service fee to print and lease money for use. The policies set and enacted by the Federal Reserve, which affect the lives of every American, are made without representation. Indirect and implied taxes imposed upon an unsuspecting public by the Federal Reserve take the form of national debt and consumption taxes, which, by and large, go unnoticed for the most part while deflationary prices are tolerated and not viewed as a form of taxation and inflationary pressures resultant from of high oil prices are blamed on Muslims.
Approximately $2 billion each and every day must be invested in US Treasury and other US financial instruments by foreign governments in order to finance the imbalances in US trade and other deficits borne of a corrupt and irresponsible fiscal policy at the discretion of Federal Reserve and its foreign interests. While petroleum transactions for the most part are still denominated in dollars, which in recent years has added to oil price inflation as oil producers seek to compensate for the only tool seemingly available to the Reserve Bank to combat its fiscal irresponsibility - dollar devaluation, these roosters have surely come home to roost, as US Middle East policy has merely exacerbated the trend away from "petro-dollar" investment into US assets and forced Arab Governments to direct their central banks to increase reserves in other currencies and away from Federal Reserve paper and dollar denominated investments. China is also making noise that its own fiscal policy, growing in importance almost daily to the world economy, does not include sustaining dollar investments at current levels. There seems to be taking shape a block of key oil and emerging economies anchored by China and Russia developing a collective strategy predicated upon ending support for the very Federal Reserve paper which is financing through the issuance of massive debt, sold in many instances to those same countries, Middle East war and dollar hegemony. Translation, Federal Reserve paper is heading in the direction of Latin, an interesting language but not very useful. .
Iraq was the second casualty of the Federal Reserve paper-war, as adage proclaims “truth” as the first. In a snub to the faceless Barons, Saddam chose to use the most potent weapon in Iraq's mass destruction arsenal against the continued embargo of his country and people - oil. Iraq re-priced all oil transactions in EURO shaking the foundations of the Federal Reserve and its patronage system to its very core. If other countries had followed suit and re-priced their petroleum and distillate transactions in EURO the hegemony of the dollar in world markets would have imploded, and by extension crumbled the empire of the faceless Barons before they could make their move to Jerusalem. The resultant devaluation spiral of the Federal Reserve dollar denominated financial instruments would have impacted not only US markets but markets globally. That said, however, the transition away from the Federal Reserve dollar in now continuing well underway and accelerating in a more orderly fashion, but real nonetheless.
Iran is a much larger problem for the faceless Barons of the Federal Reserve. Should Iran develop a nuclear weapons capability, which it is likely to do, and already possessing the delivery systems necessary to deploy those weapons in theater, it would follow that the Iranians under the cover of nuclear deterrent would undoubtedly re-price their petroleum transactions in EURO or a EURO basket, prompting other petroleum producing countries like Russia and Venezuela to follow suit. Yet military options against Iran are few and would be limited to aerial bombardment, with few easy or good targets, and special operations. Despite all of the recent rhetoric from US officials, with manpower and equipment bogged down in Iraq, the logistical and supply requirements for any sustained ground attack in Iran, make such an attack currently impossible. In addition any aerial attack would require multiple sorties from both land and sea based platforms of varied aircraft and mission. Before designated primary targets could be attacked, formidable Iranian air defenses would need to be overcome and defensive measures taken against what would likely be a sustained and massive advanced missile counter attack by Iranian forces targeting US naval and land based assets in the region. From a practical standpoint the war in Iraq serves as an example to the supposedly "moderate" elements in Iran who are unlikely to offer any support for a US attack on or invasion of Iran having seen Iraq turned into rubble and the lives if its citizens destroyed.
In addition, elections in Iraq could not have come at a worst time for the Federal Reserve or current US strategy, for that matter, as the overwhelming Shi'i victory at the polls will only enhance the influence of Iran in that region. Oddly enough the elections in Iraq make an attack against Iran pure folly given the Iranian influence within the Shi'i community in Iraq and the fact that the Iranians would likely choose to fight in Baghdad rather than Tehran. Curiously, as calls from Shi'i clergy for the removal of current Iraqi political leaders and comments regarding Islamic Law as the basis for a new constitution were growing louder the publication of election results has mysteriously been delayed until some 300 ballot boxes could be recounted -- so much for free elections.
There is another way. It's time to give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar, and give the dollar void any US guarantee back to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve, including all associated obligations, trade debt and alleged "national" debt built up over the past 92 years. We must begin anew and again print our own US National currency directly from the US Treasury and begin to set economic and political policy for the sole benefit of a truly free American people.


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